
Your Future Database GUI Client

Query Master is a free, open-source, and cross-platform GUI tool for databases. Although this project is relatively young, we are ambitious in our goal to create one of the best tools available.


Data Editor

The powerful data editor allows you to add, remove, edit, and clone data rows. You can also search for text within the data editor. Additionally, there are many built-in editors for special data types such as JSON.

Smart Text Editor

Querym features smart auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and query reformatting, making SQL writing a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Running Queries

Running a query is an essential component. You can run multiple statements and view separated results. Make sure to kill your query before it finishes and keep track of your query history for future reference.

Manage Connections

Organize your connections in a hierarchy using unlimited nested folders. This allows you to keep your connections neatly arranged. Additionally, sync your connections across devices.


Import your data into various formats, including Microsoft Excel, CSV, JSON, SQL, and XML.

Protection Mode

Querym offers three levels of protection mode. Review your SQL before running any query that can greatly impact your database.